Picture this. You have saved up and decided to purchase a forklift. At first glance, the machinery appears to be in perfect working condition. However, a couple of months down the track, an unexpected breakdown occurs.
Luckily, this is where your equipment warranty will save the day – if you have one.
If you’re looking to purchase a new or used forklift, ensuring the forklift comes with a reliable warranty is equally, if not more important, than getting a great deal. Forklifts are large capital investments, and equipment downtime can be a huge setback for any business.
1. A warranty can save you a truckload of cash
It can be expensive to service your forklift, let alone if the forklift has experienced some form of physical damage. In extreme cases, it can be more cost-effective to replace the forklift than pay to repair the damage.
When comparing prices, keep in mind that some companies may charge more for the inclusion of a warranty. If you’re tossing up between a forklift that comes with a warranty and one that doesn’t; it’s important to note that the warranty will pay for itself in most cases. What may seem like a higher cost initially can save you hundreds of dollars in repairs.
2. A warranty is proof that the seller trusts their equipment
Are you tempted by a forklift’s bargain sticker price but are uncertain if the machinery will be as reliable as the dealer claims? Warranty can be a good indicator as to whether the seller trusts the quality of their inventory.
A company with stringent maintenance procedures and quality equipment will be more inclined to offer a warranty, as they don’t expect a breakdown to occur in the near future. On the contrary, a dealer offering little to no warranty should be considered as an immediate red flag. So, if you are contemplating whether a lower price is worth the risk, opt for a warranty for added peace of mind.
For more tips on researching before you buy, view our blog.
3. A warranty saves you from faulty equipment
Let’s face it; there’s nothing worse than finding out the great deal you scored is the result of being deceived with faulty equipment. Warranty is your reassurance that the repair bill won’t end up costing you more than buying a new forklift would have in the first place!
A company is legally bound to ensure if a breakdown occurs during the warranty period, they do everything possible to amend the situation. A reliable company won’t take the risk of supplying you with faulty equipment, knowing it will cost them more time and money to replace the equipment.
4. A warranty provides peace of mind
The simple fact of knowing your machinery is covered under warranty if a breakdown occurs is enough to provide anyone with much-needed peace of mind.
Some forklift companies will offer the option to replace the forklift if damage occurs within a certain period, which means you won’t be left without machinery when you need it most! A forklift with a reliable warranty contract may cost more initially, but there is simply no price for the added peace of mind.
If you’re looking for peace of mind, view our range of forklifts, all available with a warranty.
5. A warranty protects your business
Can you imagine if your business was left without a forklift during one of your busiest periods? Trust us when we say that if a breakdown is going to occur, it will be at the most inconvenient of times.
A warranty can reduce the downtime caused by unexpected breakdowns. By having your forklift under warranty, it is the company’s responsibility to prioritise repairing your forklift as soon as possible. Depending on the contract, they may even provide you with a temporary forklift to use during the repair period for no added cost.
If a breakdown occurred without a warranty, you would be left to sort out the repair yourself, which can be challenging during busy periods!
Even for a reliable forklift company, a warranty avoids unexpected costs, protects your business and guarantees peace of mind. If the seller won’t cover your warranty – it’s important to question why and negotiate an alternative that works for you.
If you are looking for a company that provides a warranty on all its purchase equipment, get in touch with our team by calling 1300 499 678 and experience the above benefits for yourself.